Thursday, April 7, 2011


Stayed home from school today, and it's a good thing I did since I've got school tomorrow and then SAT'S saturday morning at 8:00 for like 3 hours until 11:00 which I am not excited for. The reason I stayed home is because I got the worst ear infection known to was terrible, but I've got medication and stuff for it so I'll be okay. ;P

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pessika Kippe #2

     I promised my Pesskia Kippe story would be continued, so here's part 2 :) - and if you havent read part 1...then go do that!!!

As we left off part 1, Pessika Kippe sat down crying. She cried and cried and cried and cried until a river formed around her and flowed her along the street. Thats when a giant shark jumped out of the water and bit Pessika Kippe's arm. Her arm began to bleed and blood was flowing everywhere, which lead to even more sharks coming. Pesskia Kippe would of been killed, but then she lifted up her face for the sharks to see. One of the girl sharks took one look and said, (in a ghetto voice) "Oh. that's just wrong." And with that, the sharks swam away, leaving Pessika to drown in her own tears. She tried swimming, but half of her right arm was already gone, so there was almost no hope for her, since blood was gushing out of her body. Pesskia took one last breath, then slipped under the waves. Then someone who happened to be surfing by pulled her out of the water and swam her back to shore. Pessika opened her eyes. Who was it?

Part 3 coming out soon. :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Description of my (SOON TO BE) new hairstyle. I'd love to see opinions, but no one ever reads this blog, so I'm not expecting those.

     This is a description of my newest hairstyle which I'm going to do as soon as possible, and I'd love to see people's opinions, but no one reads this blog, so I won't be expecting those. (:

     I currently have medium length red curly hair. I want to dye my hair this color black: 
Then I want to get bangs, like this:
and then I'm going to dye the bangs...(just the bangs) PURPLE:D
(this shade of purple:
I actually think the style is really awesome...and I'm super excited to try it out ;D I might even get green contacts...still comtemplating that. But the hair, definetly.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

APA (following your dreams)

     When my grandfather was a child, he wanted to be a famous baseball player. And he stuck to that dream until one of the worst things ever happened - reality struck. What were the chances of him actually becoming a baseball player? And when he realized that, he let his lifelong dream fade away. What is he now? He's almost 70 years old, and he still works as a successful math teacher at a college...but that wasn't what he always wanted. Personally, I think he should of worked at becoming a baseball player. He'll never admit it- but something tells me he regrets it, even if its only a little bit.
     Well I'm not going to let that happen to me. I'm taking singing lessons right now because I want to go to this school called APA, and you have to be all musically talented and be a really good actor. (Plus you have to get good grades, which makes no sense to me) But I'm gonna try as hard as I can - Because I want to be famous someday to. And you should chase your dreams while you still can, cause it would suck to be like my grandfather, never getting to be what you were really made for.

(Listen to: Tell me something I don't know, Selena Gomez)

Monday, March 21, 2011


     I am sick of adults! So sick of them, that I began writing an essay that I have not yet finished.

Why 90% of adults are stupid ignorant.
Alexis Daley
            Lately I have begun to realize that the rate in adults being stupid ignorant is extremely high and is becoming an epidemic. Most people may disagree with this, but I have some very convincing arguments that prove my point. First off, most adults censure their children for everything, even when they have no proof that the child is at fault. Why? Because their specious theories are enough for them, and they refuse to listen to anything else, which is without a doubt a flagrant manner of doing things, and extremely offensive to us teenagers. The minds of most adults are so wrapped around the dumb surly idea that everything they do is right, but it’s really quite the opposite. This is why so many young people must castigate to the cruel punishments of adults for crimes they did not commit.  Clearly, adults are rash decision makers and must stop blaming their children for everything and look into their own hearts (if they have hearts that is) for answers, and stop pointing their bony fingers at their kids and yelling.
            My second reason for adults being ignorant is that most adults don’t let people express themselves. I’m not just talking about kids. See, the thing is that not all adults are ignorant morons. Some adults are actually pretty cool. And most of the time, the cool adults are people who really express themselves! People who don’t work in offices, people who actually have fun. A saying goes, “just because your alive doesn’t mean that you’re living.” I’d like to clarify that and impel my point across as much as possible. In order to succeed in life, according to most adults, you have to be normal. You have to wear clothes that match everyone else’s; you can’t get a good job if you have tattoos or piercings. And it’s all so stupid. I think everyone should be able to express themselves freely, and that it’s extremely immature to judge someone over ink or how much glass is sticking out of them. And adults think us kids are immature! Obviously, more adults are ignorant because they don’t understand and respect freedom of expression.

So that's my take on them - and I like to turn my emotions into writing, and it went from listing reasons why I hate them to this. So I jumped on the computer and typed this up, and I'll finish it on a rainy day.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oliver Sykes - my current obsession

     I love him <3 He's so beautiful:D I hate his girlfriend Amanda Hendrick, though. She could go die in a hole for all I care. It sucks that he's not married to me, cause we'd make beautiful babies <3 But I refuse to give up on himmmmmm . <3

I'm 100% SYKO forever :D<3

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pessika Kippe #1

     This is a story I made called 'Pesskia Kippe' and it's based on this girl I know at school. Enjoy.

There was once a girl named Pessika Kippe. Her name was Pessika Kippe because she had pests in her hair and she fed them kibble. Pesskia Kippe was scrawny and white, and her face resembled that of a mexican chipmunk. One day, Pesskia Kippe was walking past a big volcano. The volcano took one look at Pessika Kippe, threw up all of it's lava and died. Out of the volcano came a handsome young fellow who had been trapped in there for ages waiting for the volcano to erupt and set him free. He'd gotten trapped up there when he accidentally fell in when he was trying to retrieve his kite that had flown up there. Anyways, the mans name was Oliver Sykes. He was in a band called Bring Me The Horizon. Bring Me The Horizon thanked Pesskia Kippe for being so ugly that the volcano had thrown their lead singer up. Pesskia Kippe should of been happy, but instead she sat down and cried.

:) Yes I'm going to make a part 2 - I don't know when, though, but soon. :D