Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pessika Kippe #2

     I promised my Pesskia Kippe story would be continued, so here's part 2 :) - and if you havent read part 1...then go do that!!!

As we left off part 1, Pessika Kippe sat down crying. She cried and cried and cried and cried until a river formed around her and flowed her along the street. Thats when a giant shark jumped out of the water and bit Pessika Kippe's arm. Her arm began to bleed and blood was flowing everywhere, which lead to even more sharks coming. Pesskia Kippe would of been killed, but then she lifted up her face for the sharks to see. One of the girl sharks took one look and said, (in a ghetto voice) "Oh. that's just wrong." And with that, the sharks swam away, leaving Pessika to drown in her own tears. She tried swimming, but half of her right arm was already gone, so there was almost no hope for her, since blood was gushing out of her body. Pesskia took one last breath, then slipped under the waves. Then someone who happened to be surfing by pulled her out of the water and swam her back to shore. Pessika opened her eyes. Who was it?

Part 3 coming out soon. :)

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