Monday, March 21, 2011


     I am sick of adults! So sick of them, that I began writing an essay that I have not yet finished.

Why 90% of adults are stupid ignorant.
Alexis Daley
            Lately I have begun to realize that the rate in adults being stupid ignorant is extremely high and is becoming an epidemic. Most people may disagree with this, but I have some very convincing arguments that prove my point. First off, most adults censure their children for everything, even when they have no proof that the child is at fault. Why? Because their specious theories are enough for them, and they refuse to listen to anything else, which is without a doubt a flagrant manner of doing things, and extremely offensive to us teenagers. The minds of most adults are so wrapped around the dumb surly idea that everything they do is right, but it’s really quite the opposite. This is why so many young people must castigate to the cruel punishments of adults for crimes they did not commit.  Clearly, adults are rash decision makers and must stop blaming their children for everything and look into their own hearts (if they have hearts that is) for answers, and stop pointing their bony fingers at their kids and yelling.
            My second reason for adults being ignorant is that most adults don’t let people express themselves. I’m not just talking about kids. See, the thing is that not all adults are ignorant morons. Some adults are actually pretty cool. And most of the time, the cool adults are people who really express themselves! People who don’t work in offices, people who actually have fun. A saying goes, “just because your alive doesn’t mean that you’re living.” I’d like to clarify that and impel my point across as much as possible. In order to succeed in life, according to most adults, you have to be normal. You have to wear clothes that match everyone else’s; you can’t get a good job if you have tattoos or piercings. And it’s all so stupid. I think everyone should be able to express themselves freely, and that it’s extremely immature to judge someone over ink or how much glass is sticking out of them. And adults think us kids are immature! Obviously, more adults are ignorant because they don’t understand and respect freedom of expression.

So that's my take on them - and I like to turn my emotions into writing, and it went from listing reasons why I hate them to this. So I jumped on the computer and typed this up, and I'll finish it on a rainy day.

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