Wednesday, March 23, 2011

APA (following your dreams)

     When my grandfather was a child, he wanted to be a famous baseball player. And he stuck to that dream until one of the worst things ever happened - reality struck. What were the chances of him actually becoming a baseball player? And when he realized that, he let his lifelong dream fade away. What is he now? He's almost 70 years old, and he still works as a successful math teacher at a college...but that wasn't what he always wanted. Personally, I think he should of worked at becoming a baseball player. He'll never admit it- but something tells me he regrets it, even if its only a little bit.
     Well I'm not going to let that happen to me. I'm taking singing lessons right now because I want to go to this school called APA, and you have to be all musically talented and be a really good actor. (Plus you have to get good grades, which makes no sense to me) But I'm gonna try as hard as I can - Because I want to be famous someday to. And you should chase your dreams while you still can, cause it would suck to be like my grandfather, never getting to be what you were really made for.

(Listen to: Tell me something I don't know, Selena Gomez)

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