Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pessika Kippe #1

     This is a story I made called 'Pesskia Kippe' and it's based on this girl I know at school. Enjoy.

There was once a girl named Pessika Kippe. Her name was Pessika Kippe because she had pests in her hair and she fed them kibble. Pesskia Kippe was scrawny and white, and her face resembled that of a mexican chipmunk. One day, Pesskia Kippe was walking past a big volcano. The volcano took one look at Pessika Kippe, threw up all of it's lava and died. Out of the volcano came a handsome young fellow who had been trapped in there for ages waiting for the volcano to erupt and set him free. He'd gotten trapped up there when he accidentally fell in when he was trying to retrieve his kite that had flown up there. Anyways, the mans name was Oliver Sykes. He was in a band called Bring Me The Horizon. Bring Me The Horizon thanked Pesskia Kippe for being so ugly that the volcano had thrown their lead singer up. Pesskia Kippe should of been happy, but instead she sat down and cried.

:) Yes I'm going to make a part 2 - I don't know when, though, but soon. :D

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