Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hi! I'm Alexis. I dont know who you are, but I'm Alexis.

     Hi! I'm Alexis. I don't know who you are, but I'm Alexis. {Wait, didn't I just say that?.} And this is my blog. {Obviously.} I'm guessing this is the part where I tell you about myself. I'm not sure what to say, so I just went on google and typed in 'questions to ask to get to know someone' so I'll answer those for you.

1. What is the best dish you can cook? I'm really good at making milkshakes, I just figured that out yesterday.
2. Do you have any scars? I have two, one on my hand and one on my knee. The one on my hand is from my aunt's cat. The one on my knee is a scab that I never let heal.
3. Can you fake any accents? If I try, a british italian or jamacan (is that how you spell it) accent.
4. Do you have a workout routine? I've been thinking about going to the gym with my mom on Sundays and Mondays.
5. Have you ever been mentioned in the newspaper? Nope.
6. Whats your favorite animal? I love cats.
7. If you were that animal what would you be doing right now? Licking myself all over.
8. What is your middle name? Jasmine, Annabell, and Alison.
9. What is your favorite seat on a bus? The back, cause it's bumpy.
10. Do you have any hidden talents? I'm an amazing writer, I'm hilarious, I'm good at sculpting (I think I am, at least...)
11. What do you have in your pockets? A pocket knife.
12. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Sense of humor, eyes.
13. One thing you totally suck at: I suck at life.
14. What is something you refuse to do? Smoke.
15. Do you like children? Have you ever eaten one? If so, how did it taste? It tasted like your mother.
16. If you had to live under the sea what animal would you be? A shark, I'd be cutting bitches!
17. Name something a lot of people don't know about you: I worry about things a lot more then most people think.
18. What is your favorite romantic song? Enchanted by Taylor Swift.
19. Ever had a threesome? Not yet.
20. Do you prefer shaven or unshaven? Shaven.
21. What everday things make you think of sex? Bananas, my dirty mind, hot people.
22. Do you think we should get some toys? Only if it's coming out of your wallet.
23. What sexual activities do you enjoy the most? Fucking.
24. Would you like me to tie you up? Sure.
25. Ever been arrested? Not yet.
26. If Heaven exists, what would you most likely want to hear God say at the pearly gates? "You can find something funny in every bad situation, I respect that homie." or something along those lines.
27. Do you have any phobias? Leading a normal life.
28. If you were to perform in a circus, what would you do? Freak people out with my eyes.
29. What family member are you really proud of? My mom, she went from doing drugs and going to jail to going to medical school and getting her life back together.
30. What family member would you lock up in a shed? All of them and then I'd record it and put it on MTV.

     So thats 30 things about me. Fuck :)

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