Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm only interesting when I want to be

     You should know that I'm only interesting when I want to be. Fuck it, if I don't feel like being interesting I can be boring as hell. But I hate being boring as hell...because being boring as hell is boring as hell. Get it?
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is I don't have anything interesting to talk about today. So instead of being boring as hell I'm going to make a list (I'm great at making lists, by the way) of crazy things I've done to show you how amazingly interesting I am. (When I want to be)

1. Been in love.
2. Shoplifted for the fun of it.
3. Been in a fist fight.
4. Had feelings for something who didn't have them back.
5. Had a crush on an older person.
6. Love/like someone right now.
7. Laid on back and watched clouds go by. (for two minutes)
8. Made a snowman. (and then decapitated him)
9. Had a tea party. (With my stuffed animals when I was 5)
10. Flown a kite
11. Built a sand castle
12. Played dress up....when I was 5.
13. Jumped into a pile of leaves, (the twist: they were my neighbors leaves that they'd just finishing raking)
14. Cheated while playing a game.
15. Been lonely.
16. Been tickled.
17. Robbed someone.
18. Been misunderstood.
19. Won a contest
20. Suspended from school.
21. had detention
22. Been in a car accident
23. Have braces. Shit.
24. had deju vu
25. hated the way I looked
26. questioned my heart
27. been lost
28. Felt like I was dying
29. squished barefoot through the mud.
30. colored with some crayons, biatch.
31. made prank phone calls. (still do, all the time)
32. written a letter to Santa Clause
33. Blown bubbles
34. Gone roller skating.
35. worn the opposite sex's clothes. (I'm a girl..)
36. Been on a roof.
37. Screamed at the top of my lungs. (All the time)
38. stayed up all night.
39. I believe in ghosts. Dont know how thats an action but whatever.

     In case you were wondering...yes I did look up on google "Crazy things to do" and then put down the ones I've done from the list. If you'd like to see which one's you've done, here's a link:

That made absolutely no sense...Hopefully I'll have something fun tomorrow(:
(Probably wont, though.)

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